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ATTENTION! The settings of galleries are allowed for registered users only. You have to log in to manage them. Registered users can collect favorite smiles from all galleries of the site on personal page, and also to set quantity of koloboks that will be displayed on one page.

Aiwan's Midi Koloboks:

· Standart (General emotion: laughter, joy, sadness)
· RPG (Fantasy series: orks, elves, gnomes, sorcerers)
· Sport (Sports series: football, hockey)
· Ward №6 (If you are koloboks’ admirer then come here!)
· Personalities (The section of impressive personalities or known personages)
· HE and SHE (Everything regarding relations between boys and girls)
· Light backgrounds (Copies of works of all this section for a light background)
· Misc (Everything that has not found a place to itself in other sections)
· Remake (Early works upon ideas of other authors)

Aiwan's Mini Koloboks:

· Mini collection (Everything that is drawn by me at present in the mini style)

Aiwan's Big Koloboks:

· ICQ smiles (Standard set of smiles for the program ICQ 6.x)
· Standart (General emotion: laughter, joy, sadness)
· Ward №6 (If you are koloboks’ admirer then come here!)
· HE and SHE (Everything regarding relations between boys and girls)

Author's Koloboks:

· ViShenk@ (Author's collection of koloboks. Artist - ViShenk@)
· Just Cuz (Author's collection of koloboks. Artist - Just Cuz)
· Laie (Author's collection of koloboks. Artist - Laie)
· Connie (Author's collection of koloboks. Artist - Connie)
· snoozer (Author's collection of koloboks. Artist - snoozer)
· Viannen (Author's collection of koloboks. Artist - Viannen)
· MotherGoose (Author's collection of koloboks. Artist - MotherGoose)
· Phil (Author's collection of koloboks. Artist - Phil)
· Mini collection (Author's collection of mini koloboks)
· Big collection (Author's collection of big koloboks)
· Cherna (Author's collection of koloboks. Artist - Cherna)

Visitor's Koloboks:

· Smiles of visitors (Koloboks sent by visitors of the site)

Author's smiles:

· Elffy (Author's collection of smiles. Artist - Elffy)
· Fool (Author's collection of smiles. Artist - Fool)

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