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Author Aiwan
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Description Full Archives KOLOBOK Smiles. Authors: Aiwan, ViShenk@, Laie, Connie, Elffy, snoozer, Viannen.

You should ASK FOR AUTHOR PERMISSION before using artworks of mine or of our site's artists at your own private gallery. Works of every author must be placed at separate section named accordingly with author's name. Also you should point to this website like to a source (if the author does not want to point his own).
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Filesize 14.53 MB
Date 09 August 2009 - 14:29:42
Downloads 584239
 8.7 - 32 votes 
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1ben   04.10.09 - 23:01
Comments: 1

?oook g?zel.... thenk youuu  

Aiwan   05.10.09 - 15:47

Comments: 455

Enjoy! Welcome!  

nicoss   14.02.11 - 03:44
Comments: 2

how to add them to skype. TNX

Aiwan   14.02.11 - 15:15

Comments: 455

Nothing. Yes, yes, content with what is, to install additional emoticons program is not provided, will graphically express their thoughts, moods, feelings, sensations and other spectrum of human impulses through 72 are available graphic images.  

nicoss   15.02.11 - 21:24
Comments: 2

please do smilles for Skype, and share. TNX  

Aiwan   16.02.11 - 13:35

Comments: 455

In Skype not be changed smile.  

aghoose   16.06.11 - 07:25
Comments: 9

a thousand thank you  

11gu  13.03.17 - 17:41


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