News - Category 'Internet'
A standard pack of koloboks from the Big-set [b]BIG KOLOBOK For Jimm. Original[/b] for the program Jimm appeared in our section for files as well.
28 April 2009 - 19:41:57 0
A packet of koloboks of a new format BIG KOLOBOK For QiP & Infium. Original for the pager QIP.
08 April 2009 - 23:49:47 0
For Jabber customers we have made a standard packet of 50 smileys KOLOBOK For Jabber. Original.
15 September 2008 - 09:40:14 0
A couple of works from the new set appeared today, including a feminist with a phrase in English, a kolobok banging his head against the wall, and another girl dolling herself up.
14 March 2008 - 20:32:33 0
Сегодня я добавил архив KOLOBOK For Gajim. Original [Big Pack] для клиента Gajim.
06 November 2007 - 21:52:21 0
If you want to have koloboks everytime and everywhere, then kolobok's plugin.
20 June 2007 - 15:19:52 0
Обновлен набор смайлов для мобильного ICQ Smiles to Jimm by ViShenk@.
21 March 2007 - 09:09:32 0
I want to inform all kolobok fans. My smileys appeared on Rambler-Planet.
14 March 2007 - 12:39:06 0
The new archive of smileys Kolobok For Gaim. Original [Big Pack] appeared today.
27 February 2007 - 12:35:09 0
The site archive has been replenished by expanded set of smiles for [b]Miranda IM[/b] users.
21 February 2007 - 12:22:13 0