The archive of Kolobok Toolbar has been updated again. The new thing in archive is a new toolbar for browser Google Chrome.
11 December 2010 - 08:50:12
Hi everybody! We've got not news lately yeah? but that does not mean, the project is neglected. Honestly, the family and work have got grabbed all the time.
08 November 2010 - 08:12:06
The kolobok Toolbar plugin for all versions of browsers has been
27 February 2010 - 14:48:18
Recently a popular internet browser [b]Firefox [/b]was updated up to version 3.6. After it
koloboks toolbar broke down for many people who used our toolbar.
25 January 2010 - 21:03:31
Dear visitors! The administration of the site and all of kolobok artists congratulate you with coming New Year!
30 December 2009 - 16:05:12
A talented artist from the Spain - [b]Laie [/b]has gave an interview.
24 September 2009 - 20:38:24