The first article dedicated to the History of smiles
MasterMage has prepared an article dedicated to the history of smiles today. For the first time we found information in the internet. If you have something to add to this topic (history of smiles, their creation, authors and so on) please send it to us, we will be very pleased for your help. Article History of a smile. Part I.
Autor: Aiwan 19 March 2005 - 20:52:34 Comments: 0
 A new section for koloboks
I made a new section, that will include smiles concerning the topic "HE and SHE". This section will include all the smiles concerning emotions between opposite sexes or storm of emotions between them. I don’t want to divide them and place in different sections, so they will be easier to find. And it will be a impetus to make the whole set of them, if I have enough time. As you understood, the image of our lady is approved. Thanks to those, who gave advises or just votes, a part of her is a part of your participation. I urge you not to use the stencils I gave for voting.
Autor: Aiwan 19 March 2005 - 17:51:18 Comments: 0
 That’s how he looks like! The Godfather of koloboks!
Eight wallpapers for desktop appeared in the new section of file archive Wallpapers. There is the Godfather of koloboks painted on them, his image was painted by Fool, whom I rate one of the best animators ( http://www.foolstown.com/). Now every admirer can contemplate the main kolobok on his/her desktop. I hope, the owners of “bourgeois” resolution 1600х1200 can correct the pictures themselves. If they can’t do it, they should inform me about it.  p.s. Thanks, Fool, you are a real friend!
Autor: Aiwan 16 March 2005 - 17:29:00 Comments: 0
 Congratulations on the 8th march! Dear ladies!
Being late by inches, I'm happy to congratulate dear ladies on the 8th March! I wish them to stay beautiful and beloved for always!
Autor: Aiwan 08 March 2005 - 17:16:00 Comments: 0
 Changing in the structure of folders with smiles
Dear visitors! I have changed the structure of folders with smiles on the server cardinally. Please accept my apologies for inconvenience. Aiwan.
Autor: Aiwan 04 March 2005 - 17:14:01 Comments: 0
 Air Landing Troops is no joke, darling! =)
A couple of military koloboks. A trooper and a frontiersman. In remembrance of my youth… For those who served in the army, are serving now or will serve in the future.  p.s.: My hoster AGAVA makes sometimes such feints like today. Don’t worry about it, I have paid everything and so on. If there are any mistakes it’s only their fault…
Autor: Aiwan 01 March 2005 - 17:12:11 Comments: 0
 A couple of new koloboks with Winnie-the-Pooh
The smile with walking Winnie-the-Pooh is based on big gif, which I've seen in internet.  The second one is the phantom only of my imagination. But I was recently told, that Pooh didn’t speak so. May be, but the smile is mine. And I draw what I want!
Autor: Aiwan 28 February 2005 - 12:12:27 Comments: 0
 About love…
I was asked to do koloboks on this topic. Frankly speaking, this topic is very different. I wanted to paint one smile as usual, but it resulted in two different smiles. Please choose yourself. Use the one you like even if it doesn't correspond to it's name.  p.s.: By the way, I can’t invent a girlfriend for koloboks. I don’t want to see an explicit plagiarism… Well, I’ll choose one from all of my ideas or just give you several versions. The one you like more will be the official ladylove in our set. Comment, if you agree.
Autor: Aiwan 23 February 2005 - 12:07:59 Comments: 0