Our site was updated
Dear visitors, admirers and search engine! At last our site was updated and works in a normal mode. Huge work which lasted almost for half a year was done. Now our site is accessible at once in two languages. All information is absolutely identical both for Russian and for English. The new koloboks gallery allows you to save your favorite heroes on Favorite page. Artists can operate now freely the works loading or deleting them. Both I and dilia spent a lot of our spare time for moderating obscene expressions in comments or simply a frank spam from anonymous visitors. Therefore the Guest Book is taken away. I believe that the forum and visitors’ comments it is enough for dialogue. At the end of it I want to tell many thanks to all who helped me with work over a new site.
Best regards, Aiwan.
Autor: Aiwan 01 March 2009 - 12:53:19 Comments: 2